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File: Flaunch.szs
Main bflyt file: FlcCntMain.bflyt

Layout Files in Flaunch.szs


These aren't all files, because either the function is unknown or the component is unimportant.

Flaunch.szs which is linked in ResidentMenu.szs under RdtBtnFullLauncher.bflyt it's known as FullLauncher within nintendo most users will know it by AllApps this file now contains folders/groups since HOS 14.0.0

Filename Hypothetical full name Function
AreaNml.bflyt AreaNormal Defines scroll/touch/cursor area
AreaNmlL.bflyt AreaNormalLarge Scroll/touch/cursor Larger area
AreaNmlLGrp.bflyt AreaNormalLargeGroup Scroll/Touch/Cursor group windows
AreaNmlNav.bflyt AreaNormalNavigation Scroll/Touch/Cursor Navigation area (side of add/create group)
AreaNmlNavMain.bflyt AreaNormalNavigationMain(window?) Scroll/Touch/Cursor MainNavigation window (icons?)
BaseBg.bflyt BaseBackground Contains a loading indicator for when the list is still loading
BaseChild.bflyt BaseChild (applet?) Contains Basic Layout information for applet parts (header/side/main content)
BgNav_Root.bflyt BackgroundNavigation_Root Navigation Background Panel
BgNml.bflyt BackgroundNormal Contains mainmenu background pane + 'exelixbg'
BtnIslandIcon.bflyt ButtonIslandIcon Button contents text color/icon (L R +)
BtnIslandNml.bflyt ButtonIslandNormal Standard Button information text color
BtnLineNml.bflyt ButtonLineNormal Button "inline" ie dropdown list?
BtnOpt_Root.bflyt ButtonOption_Root Button information in drop down? Contains checkbox invalid & valid inc mark
BtnExpand.bflyt ButtonExpand Drop Down Menu [groups?/sort] possibly changed in 14.0
Cursor3.bflyt Cursor3 Cursor
DBtmFlcSortAndFilter.bflyt BottomFullLauncherSortAndFilter contains the "sort and filter" menu base information
DBtmHeaderNml.bflyt BottomHeaderNormal Contains header information icon / text & top line
FlcBalloon.bflyt FullLauncherBalloon App name balloon
FlcBtnGrp.bflyt FullLaunchButtonGroup Group Icon with clustered Icon includes the sort allows / text
FlcBtnGrpBlock.bflyt FullLaunchButtonGroupBlock Group Icon block information scrolling/spacing of the 4 groupicon rows
FlcBtnIconGame.bflyt FullLauncherButtonIconGame The game icon layout. Used for all icons
FlcBtnIconGameBlock.bflyt FullLauncherButtonIconGameBlock Game Icon information in Rows/padding
FlcBtnIconGameEdit.bflyt FullLaunchButtonIconGameEdit Game Icon in edit screen (sort/move/check)
FlcBtnIconGameEditBlock.bflyt FullLaunchButtonIconGameEditBlock Edit Game Icon Layout Padding information
FlcBtnLineAddGrp.bflyt FullLaunchButtonLineAddGroup Create Group Button
FlcCntMain.bflyt FullLauncherContentMain The Main AllApps screen window
FlcDGrpDelete.bflyt FullLaunchDialogGroupDelete "Delete Group" Applet layout information
FlcDGrpOption.bflyt FullLaunchDialogGroupOption "Edit Group" drop down list information
FlcGrpList.bflyt FullLaunchGroupList Groups Main Window / Sort Groups Main Window (both layouts are in this window)
FlcGrpMain.bflyt FullLaunchGroupMain Group Folder Contents Window (icons in group folder)
FlcGrpSoftArrangement.bflyt FullLaunchGroupSoftwareArrangement Sort Software Contents Window (Sort Games in a Group Folder)
FlcGrpSoftEdit.bflyt FullLaunchGroupSoftwareEdit Add/Remove Software Contents Window (Add & remove/search games window)
LineHeader_Root.bflyt LineHeader Root The horizontal line that is shown in the header (size & relative position)
NtfBtnSearchChannel.bflyt NotificationButtonSearchChannel "Search by Keyword" Box/button & magnifier icon
TextH1.bflyt TextHeader1 The complete main header component
TextH2.bflyt TextHeader2 Header Text within groups
Waitingicon.bflyt WaitingIcon Loading icon